The plastic surgeons at Southgate Surgical Suites in Lethbridge perform a comprehensive range of elective surgical procedures, with reduced wait times.
The Quality Treatment You Deserve
At Southgate Surgical Suites, our plastic surgeons provide a wide range of elective surgical procedures like tummy tuck, liposuction, breast reduction, mommy makeover, breast implants, and breast augmentation.
From our bright, state-of-the-art modern medical facility, to our flexible appointment booking and beautiful, spa-like atmosphere, our clinic has everything you need for a positive and convenient medical experience.
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Our Plastic Surgery Services
Although we perform a complete range of elective cosmetic surgical procedures, the following are some of those that we see most often at Southgate Surgical Suites.
Liposuction is a versatile surgical procedure that slims and reshapes specific areas to control where fat is deposited on the body. This popular procedure defines and enhances the body’s natural shape.
Liposuction can be used to reduce deposits of fat in almost any area of the body, including the thighs, upper arms, hips, buttocks, abdomen, waist, breast, chest, calves, inner knee, ankles, neck, chin and cheeks.
Many people work hard for a flat, defined abdomen through exercise and weight control, but unfortunately, sometimes these methods cannot help achieve these goals.
A tummy tuck removes excess fat on the abdomen, and can also restore weakened or separated abdominal muscles. This results in a smoother, firmer abdominal profile, which can enhance your entire figure.
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a term that describes breast-implant and the fat-graft mammoplasty treatments that increase the size, change the shape, and alter the texture of the breasts.
Each woman has a beautiful, unique shape of her own, and breast surgery can help enhance it. Breast augmentation allows you to improve the size, shape, symmetry, and proportion of your breasts subtly or dramatically, depending on your needs.
Breast Reduction
A breast reduction is a surgical procedure performed to reduce the mass of the breasts.
Women who choose to undergo breast reduction surgery have typically experienced a variety of problems caused by their larger breast size, including rashes beneath the breasts, limited range of motion in recreational activities and day-to-day life, embarrassment, social discomfort and a host of other physical and emotional issues.