Southgate Surgical Suites offers dentists in the Lethbridge area a unique opportunity to expand their dental practices.
Why Dentists Use Our Facility
As a result of lack of appropriate equipment or clinic space, dentists often have no choice but to refer their patients out to other clinics for certain pediatric dental treatments, and or oral surgery procedures such as wisdom teeth extractions.
Referring your patients out of your office can result, as you know, in a substantial loss of income. In addition, it can result in extra stress for patient who are already anxious about the prospect of a dental treatment or surgery, because they also have to undergo that procedure in an unfamiliar space, with an unfamiliar dentist.
Southgate Surgical Suites is an extension of your practice.
Our suite of operating rooms have all the equipment and space necessary to perform these types of complex procedures, saving everyone time and stress.
A Seamless Patient Experience
Booking a suite with us allows dentists to perform procedures that they can't at their own offices.
This means patients can continue to enjoy the care of their dentist, with whom they have an existing, trusting relationship, and dentists can oversee their patients' oral health through every step of the process.
Maintain Control
Our office does not bill patients for treatment – our relationship is exclusively with you and your dental team.
Your office can continue to manage all the billing and scheduling with your patients, so that the entire relationship between dentist and patients remains consistent.